Something I’ve discerned from taking photographs is that nature isn’t discriminatory, she’ll happily display her beauty in all manner of places. Can you guess where I was standing to take this shot? The Riviera? Or perhaps a beautiful country village? Actually it was a popular supermarket car park on our way home after grocery shopping. It’s definitely one of my favourites.
Illusory nature of light
I love the optical illusion in this photograph taken at sunset this evening. It looks like there is a body of water mysteriously glowing from underneath, almost like volcanic lava made all the more dramatic by the dark grey cloud above. However, if you look a little closer you’ll see it’s actually all sky with the sun setting low in the centre.
Raindrops on roses….
Ok so not quite, or followed by whiskers on kittens but feathers and rainbows are two of my favourite things and this amazing cloud is a great representation of both. So beautiful.
Shrek in the sky?
Ok so this is another case of pareidolia I see Shrek’s eyes and ears how about you?
Shepherd’s delight
The fabulous sunset this evening had us charging around the country lanes making pit stops in lay-bys so I could leap out and take some pictures. This view over a farmers field afforded the most amazing colourful sky’s yet and all the bonus activity in capturing this shot surely also alows me a biscuit with my tea doesn’t it?
Pigeon’s Warhol moment
Love the colours in this sunset photo and considering I was standing on a brick peering over the neighbours fence the composistion isn’t too bad. On the left hand side I had to crop to avoid a fence post and just as I took the picture a pigeon decided it wanted its moment in the spotlight but I quite like it. The colours are as they were at the time so no enhancement at all.
Giraffe’s head?
Is it a bird is it a plane? Well actually I see a giraffe’s head how about you?
Hello world!
Clouds are fascinating aren’t they with their myriad of shapes and colours its difficult not to fall victim to pareidolia sometimes. My interpretation may be different to yours but that’s the great thing about imagination its entirely your story. Originally I began by taking photographs on my iPhone 6 in the garden looking up at the sky curtesy of the sun lounger however, this quickly progressed into photographing sunsets as the recent 2018 summer afforded some amazingly colourful skies. So this blog is a mixture of clouds and skies that I found interesting hope you enjoy looking at them too.